Integration testing with Avocado

The tests/avocado directory hosts integration tests. They’re usually higher level tests, and may interact with external resources and with various guest operating systems.

These tests are written using the Avocado Testing Framework (which must be installed separately) in conjunction with a the avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest class, implemented at tests/avocado/avocado_qemu.

Tests based on avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest can easily:

  • Customize the command line arguments given to the convenience self.vm attribute (a QEMUMachine instance)

  • Interact with the QEMU monitor, send QMP commands and check their results

  • Interact with the guest OS, using the convenience console device (which may be useful to assert the effectiveness and correctness of command line arguments or QMP commands)

  • Interact with external data files that accompany the test itself (see self.get_data())

  • Download (and cache) remote data files, such as firmware and kernel images

  • Have access to a library of guest OS images (by means of the avocado.utils.vmimage library)

  • Make use of various other test related utilities available at the test class itself and at the utility library:

Running tests

You can run the avocado tests simply by executing:

make check-avocado

This involves the automatic installation, from PyPI, of all the necessary avocado-framework dependencies into the QEMU venv within the build tree (at ./pyvenv). Test results are also saved within the build tree (at tests/results).

Note: the build environment must be using a Python 3 stack, and have the venv and pip packages installed. If necessary, make sure configure is called with --python= and that those modules are available. On Debian and Ubuntu based systems, depending on the specific version, they may be on packages named python3-venv and python3-pip.

It is also possible to run tests based on tags using the make check-avocado command and the AVOCADO_TAGS environment variable:

make check-avocado AVOCADO_TAGS=quick

Note that tags separated with commas have an AND behavior, while tags separated by spaces have an OR behavior. For more information on Avocado tags, see:

To run a single test file, a couple of them, or a test within a file using the make check-avocado command, set the AVOCADO_TESTS environment variable with the test files or test names. To run all tests from a single file, use:

make check-avocado AVOCADO_TESTS=$FILEPATH

The same is valid to run tests from multiple test files:

make check-avocado AVOCADO_TESTS='$FILEPATH1 $FILEPATH2'

To run a single test within a file, use:


The same is valid to run single tests from multiple test files:


The scripts installed inside the virtual environment may be used without an “activation”. For instance, the Avocado test runner may be invoked by running:

pyvenv/bin/avocado run $OPTION1 $OPTION2 tests/avocado/

Note that if make check-avocado was not executed before, it is possible to create the Python virtual environment with the dependencies needed running:

make check-venv

It is also possible to run tests from a single file or a single test within a test file. To run tests from a single file within the build tree, use:

pyvenv/bin/avocado run tests/avocado/$TESTFILE

To run a single test within a test file, use:

pyvenv/bin/avocado run tests/avocado/$TESTFILE:$TESTCLASS.$TESTNAME

Valid test names are visible in the output from any previous execution of Avocado or make check-avocado, and can also be queried using:

pyvenv/bin/avocado list tests/avocado

Manual Installation

To manually install Avocado and its dependencies, run:

pip install --user avocado-framework

Alternatively, follow the instructions on this link:


The tests/avocado/avocado_qemu directory provides the avocado_qemu Python module, containing the avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest class. Here’s a simple usage example:

from avocado_qemu import QemuSystemTest

class Version(QemuSystemTest):
    :avocado: tags=quick
    def test_qmp_human_info_version(self):
        res = self.vm.cmd('human-monitor-command',
                          command_line='info version')
        self.assertRegex(res, r'^(\d+\.\d+\.\d)')

To execute your test, run:

avocado run

Tests may be classified according to a convention by using docstring directives such as :avocado: tags=TAG1,TAG2. To run all tests in the current directory, tagged as “quick”, run:

avocado run -t quick .

The avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest base test class

The avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest class has a number of characteristics that are worth being mentioned right away.

First of all, it attempts to give each test a ready to use QEMUMachine instance, available at self.vm. Because many tests will tweak the QEMU command line, launching the QEMUMachine (by using self.vm.launch()) is left to the test writer.

The base test class has also support for tests with more than one QEMUMachine. The way to get machines is through the self.get_vm() method which will return a QEMUMachine instance. The self.get_vm() method accepts arguments that will be passed to the QEMUMachine creation and also an optional name attribute so you can identify a specific machine and get it more than once through the tests methods. A simple and hypothetical example follows:

from avocado_qemu import QemuSystemTest

class MultipleMachines(QemuSystemTest):
    def test_multiple_machines(self):
        first_machine = self.get_vm()
        second_machine = self.get_vm()


        first_res = first_machine.cmd(
            command_line='info version')

        second_res = second_machine.cmd(
            command_line='info version')

        third_res = self.get_vm(name='third_machine').cmd(
            command_line='info version')

        self.assertEqual(first_res, second_res, third_res)

At test “tear down”, avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest handles all the QEMUMachines shutdown.

The avocado_qemu.LinuxTest base test class

The avocado_qemu.LinuxTest is further specialization of the avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest class, so it contains all the characteristics of the later plus some extra features.

First of all, this base class is intended for tests that need to interact with a fully booted and operational Linux guest. At this time, it uses a Fedora 31 guest image. The most basic example looks like this:

from avocado_qemu import LinuxTest

class SomeTest(LinuxTest):

    def test(self):

Please refer to tests that use avocado_qemu.LinuxTest under tests/avocado for more examples.


The QEMUMachine API is already widely used in the Python iotests, device-crash-test and other Python scripts. It’s a wrapper around the execution of a QEMU binary, giving its users:

  • the ability to set command line arguments to be given to the QEMU binary

  • a ready to use QMP connection and interface, which can be used to send commands and inspect its results, as well as asynchronous events

  • convenience methods to set commonly used command line arguments in a more succinct and intuitive way

QEMU binary selection

The QEMU binary used for the self.vm QEMUMachine instance will primarily depend on the value of the qemu_bin parameter. If it’s not explicitly set, its default value will be the result of a dynamic probe in the same source tree. A suitable binary will be one that targets the architecture matching host machine.

Based on this description, test writers will usually rely on one of the following approaches:

  1. Set qemu_bin, and use the given binary

  2. Do not set qemu_bin, and use a QEMU binary named like “qemu-system-${arch}”, either in the current working directory, or in the current source tree.

The resulting qemu_bin value will be preserved in the avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest as an attribute with the same name.

Attribute reference


Besides the attributes and methods that are part of the base avocado.Test class, the following attributes are available on any avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest instance.


A QEMUMachine instance, initially configured according to the given qemu_bin parameter.


The architecture can be used on different levels of the stack, e.g. by the framework or by the test itself. At the framework level, it will currently influence the selection of a QEMU binary (when one is not explicitly given).

Tests are also free to use this attribute value, for their own needs. A test may, for instance, use the same value when selecting the architecture of a kernel or disk image to boot a VM with.

The arch attribute will be set to the test parameter of the same name. If one is not given explicitly, it will either be set to None, or, if the test is tagged with one (and only one) :avocado: tags=arch:VALUE tag, it will be set to VALUE.


The cpu model that will be set to all QEMUMachine instances created by the test.

The cpu attribute will be set to the test parameter of the same name. If one is not given explicitly, it will either be set to None ``, or, if the test is tagged with one (and only one) ``:avocado: tags=cpu:VALUE tag, it will be set to VALUE.


The machine type that will be set to all QEMUMachine instances created by the test.

The machine attribute will be set to the test parameter of the same name. If one is not given explicitly, it will either be set to None, or, if the test is tagged with one (and only one) :avocado: tags=machine:VALUE tag, it will be set to VALUE.


The preserved value of the qemu_bin parameter or the result of the dynamic probe for a QEMU binary in the current working directory or source tree.


Besides the attributes present on the avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest base class, the avocado_qemu.LinuxTest adds the following attributes:


The name of the Linux distribution used as the guest image for the test. The name should match the Provider column on the list of images supported by the avocado.utils.vmimage library:


The version of the Linux distribution as the guest image for the test. The name should match the Version column on the list of images supported by the avocado.utils.vmimage library:


The sha256 hash of the guest image file used for the test.

If this value is not set in the code or by a test parameter (with the same name), no validation on the integrity of the image will be performed.

Parameter reference

To understand how Avocado parameters are accessed by tests, and how they can be passed to tests, please refer to:

Parameter values can be easily seen in the log files, and will look like the following:

PARAMS (key=qemu_bin, path=*, default=./qemu-system-x86_64) => './qemu-system-x86_64



The architecture that will influence the selection of a QEMU binary (when one is not explicitly given).

Tests are also free to use this parameter value, for their own needs. A test may, for instance, use the same value when selecting the architecture of a kernel or disk image to boot a VM with.

This parameter has a direct relation with the arch attribute. If not given, it will default to None.


The cpu model that will be set to all QEMUMachine instances created by the test.


The machine type that will be set to all QEMUMachine instances created by the test.


The exact QEMU binary to be used on QEMUMachine.


Besides the parameters present on the avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest base class, the avocado_qemu.LinuxTest adds the following parameters:


The name of the Linux distribution used as the guest image for the test. The name should match the Provider column on the list of images supported by the avocado.utils.vmimage library:


The version of the Linux distribution as the guest image for the test. The name should match the Version column on the list of images supported by the avocado.utils.vmimage library:


The sha256 hash of the guest image file used for the test.

If this value is not set in the code or by this parameter no validation on the integrity of the image will be performed.

Skipping tests

The Avocado framework provides Python decorators which allow for easily skip tests running under certain conditions. For example, on the lack of a binary on the test system or when the running environment is a CI system. For further information about those decorators, please refer to:

While the conditions for skipping tests are often specifics of each one, there are recurring scenarios identified by the QEMU developers and the use of environment variables became a kind of standard way to enable/disable tests.

Here is a list of the most used variables:


Tests which are going to fetch or produce assets considered large are not going to run unless that AVOCADO_ALLOW_LARGE_STORAGE=1 is exported on the environment.

The definition of large is a bit arbitrary here, but it usually means an asset which occupies at least 1GB of size on disk when uncompressed.


Tests which have a long runtime will not be run unless SPEED=slow is exported on the environment.

The definition of long is a bit arbitrary here, and it depends on the usefulness of the test too. A unique test is worth spending more time on, small variations on existing tests perhaps less so. As a rough guide, a test or set of similar tests which take more than 100 seconds to complete.


There are tests which will boot a kernel image or firmware that can be considered not safe to run on the developer’s workstation, thus they are skipped by default. The definition of not safe is also arbitrary but usually it means a blob which either its source or build process aren’t public available.

You should export AVOCADO_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_CODE=1 on the environment in order to allow tests which make use of those kind of assets.


The Avocado framework has a timeout mechanism which interrupts tests to avoid the test suite of getting stuck. The timeout value can be set via test parameter or property defined in the test class, for further details:

Even though the timeout can be set by the test developer, there are some tests that may not have a well-defined limit of time to finish under certain conditions. For example, tests that take longer to execute when QEMU is compiled with debug flags. Therefore, the AVOCADO_TIMEOUT_EXPECTED variable has been used to determine whether those tests should run or not.


Some tests are not working reliably and thus are disabled by default. This includes tests that don’t run reliably on GitLab’s CI which usually expose real issues that are rarely seen on developer machines due to the constraints of the CI environment. If you encounter a similar situation then raise a bug and then mark the test as shown on the code snippet below:

# See
@skipUnless(os.getenv('QEMU_TEST_FLAKY_TESTS'), 'Test is unstable on GitLab')
def test(self):

You can also add :avocado: tags=flaky to the test meta-data so only the flaky tests can be run as a group:

env QEMU_TEST_FLAKY_TESTS=1 ./pyvenv/bin/avocado \
   run tests/avocado -filter-by-tags=flaky

Tests should not live in this state forever and should either be fixed or eventually removed.

Uninstalling Avocado

If you’ve followed the manual installation instructions above, you can easily uninstall Avocado. Start by listing the packages you have installed:

pip list --user

And remove any package you want with:

pip uninstall <package_name>

If you’ve used make check-avocado, the Python virtual environment where Avocado is installed will be cleaned up as part of make check-clean.